April 3, 2023 / Melissa Perez Munoz

UF Sponsored Study Abroad Programs – Czech Republic

a woman is posing for a picture outdoors.

a woman is posing for a picture outdoors.“Even before stepping foot on UF campus, I knew that I wanted to participate in a study abroad experience. During my second semester of college, I applied to UF in Prague and through the help of the Beyond120 Scholarship Award I was able to study abroad in Prague. I was doing a study abroad for the reasons most other college students were, to explore a new country and to have some fun during the summer, nothing more. I was not expecting to have my entire life changed through one experience. Not only was I able to learn about the history and culture of the Czech Republic but I learned so much about myself. I grew as a person who was able to take risks and do things that I would have never done before in my life. You are on your own, in a new place. With no family and friends around, while it is scary, you realize that you have become the best version of yourself. Some of the most memorable experiences that I have had in my life have come from studying abroad. Before studying abroad I liked to travel and do touristy things, but since being immersed in the language and culture of the Czech Republic I have found a deeper passion to meddle with locals and try things that are off the beaten path.

Studying abroad has opened my eyes to the numerous potential that I have at the University of Florida. Without the exposure to the diverse history and culture of Europe, I would have never thought about pursuing research in other countries and actively going to archives in those regions to find primary sources for a history honors thesis. Additionally, studying abroad has changed my path career to focus more on international corporation and comparative law. By being exposed to new ideas and people, studying abroad has opened many potential doors for me.

Studying abroad was the scariest thing I have ever done in my entire life, you are half way across the world from your family, you do not know the language, and you begin to wonder if you even made the right decision. All of these worries went through my head, but at the end of the day I had never been so happy that I took that chance. I have made the best memories that I could tell my children and grandchildren someday and I want to be a beacon of inspiration for them, to take those chances. Sometimes those risks will not pay off, but they make for a great lesson and an even better story.

For anyone that wants to study abroad, my one piece of advice is do it. Do it. While it may seem scary and foreign, it is a once in a life opportunity to be in a foreign country totally immersed with locals, cuisine, and history that will make your whole entire perspective on yourself and the world change. I was expecting to do just one study abroad at time at the University of Florida, but I got bitten by the travel bug and now I am in Seoul, South Korea studying abroad again. While there are days that are hard, I have never regretted studying abroad. I know in my heart that I would regret it if I did not study abroad because I would not have met some of my best friends, tried amazing cuisines, seen stunning architecture, and found my own destiny in life.”
– Kathryn Orozco, UF in Prague