“During the summer of 2022, I had the opportunity of studying abroad in London for 8 weeks and it is an experience that really changed my perspective on the world around me. I always imagined myself for years studying abroad because my older sister did it but to actually have the chance to travel to a new country on my own was surreal. The biggest takeaway from my trip was to never take anything for granted and actually immerse myself in the new environment. Therefore, while I was in London I traveled to other parts of the city as opposed to staying where we were housed. I even explored other countries like Wales where I had the opportunity to learn how to surf and even jump off a cliff, and as someone who does not know how to swim this was definitely an unforgettable moment. I also made friends with people my age who lived in London and to this day I consider them dear friends of mine. My biggest advice for anyone studying abroad is to make the most out of every day you have abroad but still, find time to rest and not over stimulate yourself.
Overall, I would highly recommend anyone interested in studying abroad to go through with the opportunity and look into scholarships like the Beyond120 Scholarship Award which helped fund my trip. The program I chose allowed me to not only study abroad by taking classes but also gave me the chance to have an internship in a field that fit my interest/career path. I learned firsthand what I enjoyed about my field and what I did not, which was extremely beneficial because now when I graduate I am able to look for jobs with a narrower approach that fits my wants and needs.”
– Andrea Kambou, UF in London: Beyond120 CLAS Internship