Beyond120 Exchange Programs
Beyond120 in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences offers students the opportunity to study abroad through many different academic and cultural programs including our newest exchange programs. Participating in one of our exchange programs can enhance your academic, professional, and personal life experiences making for a more-informed and empathetic global citizen.
Tuition at the below Universities is waived for exchange students. Students participating in an exchange pay tuition directly to the University of Florida at their usual tuition rate. All financial aid, scholarships, and fellowships are applicable. Because students incur no additional tuition cost while they are on an exchange, these programs can be a very affordable way to spend a semester or academic year abroad.
Questions about Beyond120 Exchange Programs?
Book an AppointmentExchange Program Resources
Program Info SessionGet your questions answered about Beyond120 Exchange Programs. Exchange Program
Contacts & CalendarWhen exchange programs occur and who to contact if you are interested. Exchange Program
Course EquivalenciesSearchable database of course equivalencies for Beyond120 Exchange Programs.
The Brian and Kate Harfe International Exchange Award
This award provides financial support to students with demonstrated financial need participating in one of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences exchange programs managed by Dr. Harfe. The typical award amount is $400.