About this Excursion
Beyond120 takes College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) students to New York City for an extended excursion that explores finance, fintech, marketing, and other aspects of careers in the city.
Examples of previous employer site visits include:
- Peloton
- Transperfect
- Kellen Company
- Newsweek
- Gannett
- … and more!
In previous excursions, activities have included: Panel Discussions, Lunch N’ Learns, Mock Interviews, Internship/Employment Chats, Alumni Storytelling, Networking Events, Office Tours, Interactive Activity/Lesson. All site visits vary based on employer preference and capacity.
Who Should Apply for this Excursion?
CLAS students who have previously benefited from the Beyond120 NYC excursion include students with interests in careers in the Big Apple. Along with alumni and employer visits, this excursion allows students to network with individuals who have gone before them in terms of transitioning out of college, moving across states and cities, and navigating the transitions that happen upon graduating college.
What Is Expected to Attend this Excursion?
Students are responsible for securing their own transportation to and from NYC. Beyond120 scholarship funds may be used to provide financial assistance for this travel expense. The Beyond120 program covers the costs of lodging, transportation around NYC, site visit expenses, and some meals. Students are responsible for any additional costs, including souvenirs, some meals, and snacks.