Beyond120 in Washington, D.C.

About this Excursion

In partnership with the Beyond120 program and the Bob Graham Center for Public Service, this excursion exposes students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to industries related to public policy, government relations, law, education, international relations, public sector and more. Students will meet with UF alumni and special guests through networking activities, meet-n-greets, admissions sessions, and panel discussions.

Examples of previous site visits include:

  • The World Bank
  • UF Federal Relations
  • Ferrero Rocher
  • Library of Congress
  • US Chamber of Commerce
  • Georgetown Law
  • The United States Capitol

Students selected for this excursion can also expect to attend a UF Alumni Networking event and engage with a number of similar entities as those listed above.

Who Should Apply for this Excursion?

Students with an interest in public service, public policy, international relations, education, the non-profit sector, government relations, and more are encouraged to apply for the Washington, D.C. excursion. Students who have previously attended this excursion and want to assume more of a leadership role in subsequent years are encouraged to reach out to the program directors to express their interest in becoming group leaders.

What Is Expected to Attend this Excursion?

Students are responsible for the cost of transportation to Washington, D.C. Beyond120 scholarship funds may be used to provide financial assistance for this travel expense.  Beyond120 covers the costs of lodging, transportation while in DC, site visit expenses, and some meals. Students are responsible for any additional costs, including souvenirs, some meals, and snacks. Depending on how much you pay for your plane ticket, we estimate you will spend $300-400 for the trip in its entirety.